Medicon New Capital R7

Applying  Healthcare Quality
in Real Estate Development

The first fully integrated medical hub in

R7 residential area


New Capital R7 map



medicon – R7′ medical hub, will be the first hub of our network, that will cover many regions in Egypt, and later in MENA. 

Outpatient Clinics
medical centers
3 500
Built uP Area
1 2000
m2 for Parkings
Medicon New Capital R7

The built environment is a powerful force in patient care. If properly designed, it enables care providers to do their work more effectively, and it has the potential to enhance patient safety.


However, it’s not a standalone. There is a continuous interplay between a building, its layout, and the work that is carried on within the walls. The workflow and care-delivery processes and the choreography of patients as they interact with the building and the caregivers must be in harmony.


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  1. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
  2. ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  3. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.
Medicon New Capital R7

Healthcare's Interdisciplinary Integration

To Insure the best outcome for doctors, patients, and healthcare operators in medicon , we create a disruption plan for the medical Interdisciplinary to make sure that those disciplines to integrate not to compete, to provide the patients with a world-class one stop to all his medical needs.


There is only limited units for each Interdisciplinary and will be on selection criteria bases, so kindly express your interest of joining medicon community to reserve your spot.