New Capital R7

The Seventh Residential District is one of the most important residential neighborhoods of The New Administrative Capital and is strategically located at its heart. It includes the top compounds and residential projects in the city, in addition to various services and commercial facilities.

Medicon Concept

Strategically built over 3 pillars; Patient, Practitioner, and Healthcare Center Operator.

Our Values

Uplift the experience of the patient-doctor visit.

Upsurge the practitioner's productivity.

Grow the medical-operator business model efficiency.

M2 for parking
Built Up Area
Medical Center
Outpatient Clinics

Integrated HUB

For cohesive health care providers

We provide a wide range of maintenance services, including building inspection, technical installations, renovation, daily ad-hoc activities, fabric repair and maintenance, public areas gardening, landscape, and HVAC.

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